Saturday, March 24, 2007


I originally named this blog "Long Distance Farming" because at the time, we were living in the suburbs of Atlanta during the week and driving to the farm on the weekends. Not even every weekend, at least during the colder months. But most weekends of the year, we made a 90 mile trip here and then a 90 mile trip back to the city.

Now that we have made the move to the farm permanent, I think I'll keep the blog named as it is, even though there is no geographical distance separating us from the land that we love. There remains a "long distance" between what I know right now to farm successfully and what I need to know to make a successful farm a reality. That distance shrinks a little bit each month that goes by, but it's still a sizeable gulf to bridge.

Thankfully, we're here to see it all every day and learn to watch and listen. For me, that's where the learning begins, observing. Then reading. Lots and lots of reading. And then, the doing helps, too.

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