Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Serious Blogging Up Ahead

I just celebrated my one year anniversary of blogging at Homestead Blogger. I've met some very nice people there and learned quite a bit about raising chickens, baking bread, and preserving fresh garden bounty.

I think, though, that Blogger might offer me the opportunity to expand a bit on what it is that I'm learning now. We've just moved onto our property in the last four weeks and spring is here in a big way, with warm, dry weather. There is much to do to get this little piece of earth ready to farm, to grow fruit and vegetables, to have livestock and begin to move not just to self-sufficiency, but to provide for others who don't have access to land but are willing to pay for home-grown food.

Sometimes I want to just pontificate on agriculture issues. I want to write about how raising sons in a more rural setting affects our family. How God is working on my contentment, the attitude of my heart, the direction our family is headed. I need to put it down in a place that appreciates it all, and I think that's going to be here.

So, I guess this is a second start for this diary and I'll post both places for a while to see how it works. Time will be short since we have so much to do outside. But I hope to see you here on a regular basis, to share what I'm learning. Thanks for stopping by.

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